Timz DMR Repeater
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to activate APRS-GPS transmissions on your 878, click HERE
AnyTone AT-D878UV PLUS (not the newest "II" model)
*Click HERE for Jasons web page on the 878*
Tips First
* If you don't already have the D578 programming software, download it from the internet.
Note the CPS program version and radio firmware version should be the same.* if you are having problems getting the 878 program software installed - AND you received the software on a CDROM disk... try copying everything from the CDROM disk onto your computers hard drive. Then run the install from your hard drive (and not from the CDROM).
* if you're having problems getting the 878 program software to communicate with your radio; scroll to near the bottom of this page to :
Com Port Driver Help* Everytime you run the 878 software program... you always have to reselect the com port; it doesn't seem to remember from the last time.
"Set" ... "Set Com" near the top of the page.* Spkr-Mic jack pinouts
* APRS-GPS Sitgnal Path settings; for the 878 (and possibly other Anytone models) the dual WIDE settings are not seperated by a comma or space.
Note: starting with firmware versioin 1.15, you can seperate the Wide1 and WIDE 2 with a comma:
Codeplug and Configuration
For a quick & easy pre-made codeplug for the original version 878... left/right click HERE (save as) to download a codeplug that will get you on the air fast (if given a choice, do not save this as a text file).
For a quick & easy pre-made codeplug for the newer version II (2) 878... left/right click HERE (save as) to download a codeplug that will get you on the air fast (if given a choice, do not save this as a text file). this is for CPS ver 3.02
This is a basic program file with all the digital groups used on Timz DMR repeater, and local analog repeaters as well. There are just two zones, Analog and Timz DMR digital... making operation easy.
After download, load the file into your D878UV program and make the following changes before burning your radio:
1. Click on Digital; Radio ID list.
2. Click the number 1 at the top of the list
3. Enter in your DMR ID number in the Radio ID box, and then your CallSign in the Radio ID Name box; then click OK
note: you will need a digital radio ID; it's easy & free. click: https://www.radioid.net/#!
click the box near the bottom of the page: "I AGREE TO THE ABOVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS", and then click
"Register Account"4. This codeplug is already configured to send APRS-GPS coordinates as long as you have the radios GPS radio turned on. You need to enter in your specifics into these fields:
* "your call" (obvious)* "SSID" a number; most hams start out using "-9", though it does not matter which you choose. Any additional APRS-GPS radios you have... you would select a different number for each.
to activate APRS-GPS transmissions on your 878, click HERE
4. Save this file under a new name to your computer
5. Then send (write) the file to the radio.
Button configuration when using the above beginners codeplug file:
Com Port Driver Help
I am reading a lot of reports of the 878 software not reading & writing to the radio due to the ComPort driver not installing correctly. Here's another method to attempt to get this working:
For some mfgrs, the driver auto/self installs; for other mfgrs the driver has to be manually installed.
You can try installing the 878 driver manually. When I received my 878, it came with a small CDROM disk; it had a folder (directory) on it called:Only for Windows 7, XP, ME, 2000 USB_Virtual_Com_Port_Driver_v2.0.1.2313
go into that folder/subdirectory
in that is another folder (sub directory)USB Virtual Com Port Driver_v2.0.1.2313
when you go into that folder, you get two more choices;
go into:X86 or X64 (depending on your OS)
once you're in there, there's a file called:
USB Virtual Com Port Driver.exedo not have the radio connected to your computer yet.
copy that file from the CDROM disk to a temporary folder somewhere on your computers hard drive... and then run that program from there. This will manually install the com port driver you need to communicate with the radio.
It may not install if you attempt to run the com port driver install program from the CDROM disk, that's why you need to copy the program from the CDROM disk to your computers hard drive... and then launch it from there.Once it installs, then you should be able to connect the cable/radio to your computer & run the 878 software program, and read from the radio... as a test of the communications. Select the com port:
"Set" ... "Set Com" near the top of the page.Note that everytime you run the 878 software program... you always have to reselect the com port; it doesn't seem to remember from the last time.
* click HERE for instructions on importing the Digital ID Contact List
* Note: for an additional codeplug - specialized for GCARES members - right click HERE
* to activate APRS-GPS transmissions on your 878, click HERE
* to interface a SignaLink USB to a D578 click HERE
* indepth info on the 868 and 878 operational modes and modding HERE
click HERE to see the registration & activity for the N8NQH DMR repeater on Brandmeister click HERE for handy DMR Toolz to make your DMR experience better
Click HERE to visit the ARES Ohio Section DMR Radio page
click HERE to read info on basic DMR repeater operational procedures
click HERE for radio codeplugs already configured
click HERE for indepth details about the groups
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Timz DMR Repeater