Timz DMR Repeater
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Click here for instructions on updating your 578 for the BT01
Adding Mic Hanger Button
to the
Bluetooth Handmic BT01
AnyTone D578UV
At Your Own Risk
Remove the back from the BT-01, the battery will unplug from the front half.
remove weight and cross-brace
Drill hole for mic button above battery
install mic hanger, drill hole in weight to fit over mic hanger screw; place weight and cross brace to their original positions.
Note: you might need to trim the height of the brace if needed.
return to the main 578 page click HERE for handy DMR Toolz to make your DMR experience better
Click HERE to visit the ARES Ohio Section DMR Radio page
click HERE for radio codeplugs already configured
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Timz DMR Repeater