Timz DMR Repeaters
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Radioddity DB25-D
download the CPS written by David MM7DBT, click HERE
much better than the mfgrs CPS. This is a "MSI" loader file, just click on it after downloading.download a starter codeplug for the above CPS, click HERE
NOTE: you might need to right-click... save as
to download this file (json)This is a basic program file with some digital groups used on Timz DMR repeater, and local analog repeaters as well.
This radio is unusual when it comes to channel programming via the CPS; you actually create a Zone first, then enter in channels for the created zone. If you use the Starter Codeplug, once loaded into the CPS... go in to:
Device Info, then enter in your call sign and digital user ID number.
note: you will need a digital radio ID; it's easy & free. click: https://radioid.net/account/register
click the box near the bottom of the page: "I AGREE TO THE ABOVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS", and then click
"Register Account"
click HERE to see the registration & activity for the N8NQH DMR repeater on Brandmeister click HERE for handy DMR Toolz to make your DMR experience better
Click HERE to visit the ARES Ohio Section DMR Radio page
click HERE to read info on basic DMR repeater operational procedures
click HERE for radio codeplugs already configured
click HERE for indepth details about the groups
Timz DMR Repeater