Timz DMR Repeater
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MD380 and 9600 models
Import Contact List
This page describes one of many ways available to do this. If you have a different method, then you should use it instead. I am simply sharing the one process that worked for me.
MD-380 single band
MD-380 dual band
MD-9600 mobile
(step-by-step instructions further down below)*Read out radio using radios factory supplied software & save.*Use merging program "Contact Manager" (link provided) to combine the existing codeplug with a CSV data file that contains the digital ID and info for fellow DMR hams.
*Using the radios factory program software again, send this newly joined codeplug to your radio.
Adding a digital ID Contact List (lookup table) to your TYT 380 or MD9600 requires using two computer programs:
The first program is the factory software that the mfgr of your radio offers. You should already have this installed and operating.
The second program is a "merging" program called a Contact Manager; this second program adds the digital ID contact list to your existing codeplug.
You also will be downloading two things (links provided). One is the contact manager program, the other is the actual CSV Digital ID data file.
To download the contact manager merging program... click HERE . It's a single .exe file, no installation is required. I've tested it on XP and Win 10.
* Note: If your computer balks at downloading a EXE file, click HERE for a zipped version *
1. Download the Contacts CSV USA data file by clicking click HERE (updated June 2022; remember where you saved it to).
note: these earlier DMR radios are limited on the number of contacts that can be stored in the radio; and can't hold the entire digital ID database. The above CSV file has been slimmed-down; contains about 700 digital ID's of hams in the SW Ohio region.
2. Read your radio out using the manufacturers program. Save this as a newer named codeplug file.
3. Run the recently downloaded Contact Manager (merging) program. (click HERE if you didn't download it yet).
4. At the top left, click on FILE, and then OPEN CODEPLUG. Navigate to where the codeplug - you just read out of your radio & saved - is located and open it.
On the computers screen you should see a list of the groups already placed in your radio.
5. Over to the right side, click on "Import More Contacts from a CSV file".
A box should appear asking you to locate the CSV file (this is the data file you downloaded from my web site earlier). Once this CSV file is located and opened it will automatically add the 850'ish digital ID's to your codeplug file. Though it's not been loaded into your radio yet; read on.
6. Then click again on File, but this time click on "SAVE CODEPLUG".
Once saved, you now have a fattened codeplug ( with the additional contact ID's) ready to be uploaded to your radio.
7. Lastly, run your radio mfgrs software program again; load this newly updated codeplug file, and then send it to your radio.
Done !
Click HERE to download the SW Ohio CSV data file, which has about 850 ID's.
Click HERE to download the "merge" Contact Manager program.
Note: if your computer balks at this download... click HERE for a zipped version
Click HERE to see the registration & activity for the N8NQH DMR repeater on Brandmeister
click HERE for handy DMR Toolz to make your DMR experience better
Click HERE to visit the ARES Ohio Section DMR Radio page
click HERE to read info on basic DMR repeater operational procedures
click HERE for radio codeplugs already configured
click HERE for indepth details about the groups
Contact Repeater Administrators