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Adding a DMR Memory Channel to your radio.


Analog memory channel compared to a DMR memory channel:

Analog Channel

DMR Channel

Repeater frequencies


Offset Direction +/-


CTCSS - ColorCode for DMR


TalkGroup number (also public or private)





When adding a DMR memory channel to your radios codeplug, you'll need this order of things:

1. FIRST; you need to determine which TalkGroup number you will be using; 310557, 3139, 9990...before adding a channel with it's frequencies, color code, and timeslot. This is mandatory; if instead you go first into the Channel section of your CPS, you must assign a TalkGroup for that channel, so you need to have this TalkGroup in your radios TG list or you won't be able to completely enter this new channel.

* Say you're going to add the Springfield DMR repeater into your radio to talk on Talk Group 310557, and you already have TalkGroup 310557 in your radio. Then on the Channel screen you'd enter the Springfield repeaters freqs, ColorCode, TimeSlot, and then you'd select TalkGroup 310557 from the drop down list. Easy... right?

The issue comes to light when using a TalkGroup that hasn't yet been included in your radios codeplug. For example, lets say the new channel is to talk on the Brandmeister Amateur Astronomy TalkGroup 31175. When entering the channel info, 31175 will not appear in the TalkGroup list (if it's never been entered before). So; first go to your radios CPS TalkGroup section and add this new TalkGroup 31175. It's on this same screen where you select whether this group is to be Public or Private. Once you have this TalkGroup number added to your list, then procede to the Channel Screen.

2. Second, go into the Channel List screen of your radios CPS. Add a channel, then start entering in the channels frequencies, ColorCode, select the desired TalkGroup, and select a TimeSlot.

* Hint, if this added channel is to go through a repeater you already have in the radio, then "Copy" an existing channel and then "Paste" it on a blank line in the channel lineup. Then go into this new "pasted" channel and change the Name (alias), TalkGroup selection, and the TmeSlot selection. The Copy/Paste routine simply saves you from re-entering the channel freqs, color code, and other common settings.

3. Last thing to do before burning your radio with this new codeplug... place this new channel into an existing Zone; or create an additional new Zone to place it in. Without adding this new channel to a Zone, it will not appear as you try to select the channel from your radio channel knob.



* Determine which TalkGroup is to be used; add to your TG list if the Group is not already included. Do this first.

* Create the new memory channel.

* Assign this new channel to a Zone.


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