Timz MESH Info Page Adding HTML Pages to your Mesh Node for under $50
using the Addonics NAS v2.0
Purchase these two items (I got both of mine from Amazon):
Addonics NAS Adapter V2
Sandisk Cruzer-Fit 8gb
Working with the NAS at this point (not attached to a Mesh node yet.)..
1. Power up the NAS via it's provided cube supply; wait a minute for it to pass it's POST.
2. Plug the SanDisk flash drive into the NAS USB port; wait 2-3 minutes.
The first time the flash drive is plugged into the NAS, the NAS will add some folders to the SanDisk.3. Remove the SanDisk from the NAS, and plug the flash drive into a PC with the HTML files you want to have accessable from your node.
4. Copy all your HTML page files and pictures into the flash drives "public" folder.
If there isn't a "public" folder located on your SanDisk flash drive, then re-insert it into the NAS... and let it sit for a few minutes. The NAS adds the public folder the first time the flash drive is connected.5. Plug the SanDisk back into the NAS.
6. Have your Mesh node already powered and past its POST
Connection is like below:
After connection of the NAS to your node:
* go into your nodes SETUP screen
* Click on Port Forwarding, DHCP, and Services; you should see the screen below:
* the green circled item should appear if the Mesh node recognized the NAS and assigned it an IP address. Click just to the right... on Add
directly above, the NAS Storage device should appear in the DHCP Address Reservations section* click on "Save Changes" this may take a minute .
* Next, over to the right:
* fill in the fields under Advertised Services as shown
name: Click Here for Node Info (or whatever you want it to say)Link: (checked)
(next box) ftp
URL: click the down arrow to the right, select the Storage device
(port box) 21
(last box) public/index.htm (or whatever file you want to point at)
click on Add over to the right of this
Once that's done... make certain you click on Save Changes. It may take a minute or two for the Save to complete.
once everything is configured and saved, click on Basic Setup near the top, and then click on REBOOT.
Keep your HTML pages simple; pictures should be small in file-size.
Place all the files in the Public folder.
You can make additional folders - within the Public Folder
* during a system-wide cold start, have the NAS unplugged from the Mesh Node.
* power up the Mesh device first; allow it time to go through it's POST... wait at least 3-5 minutes.
* With the flash drive connected to the NAS, power-up the NAS; but with it still unplugged from the nodes ethernet port.
* Give the NAS time to POST, then after a few minutes, plug the NAS into the working nodes ethernet port.
Q. do these HTML pages display exactly like they would being accessed via the internet?
Yes, click here to see a page I have on one of my nodes. There's a second page (clickable at the bottom) that gives instructions on how to operate my IP camera.
Q. Is this the best/only way to have HTML pages displayed via mesh?
Heavens no; this is just one of many. The cost of the NAS and SanDisk flash drive is about $48 total (shipped) via Amazon.
A more proper way to have HTML pages on your Mesh node would be via a computer connected to your node, and run it as a file server; 24/7Q. I see other NAS devices, with higher numbers than 2.0; can they be used?
Maybe, but I am only posting info about items I have hands-on experience with; and right now it's the 2.0 version of the NAS
Q. Instead of using a real hard drive, I notice you used a flash drive. Does it matter which USB flash drive I use?
It shouldn't. But Addonics tech support (upon hearing that I wanted to use a flash drive instead of a real hard drive)
recommended an 8gb sized unit, formatted to FAT32.Q. did you have to pre-format the SanDisk first?
No; it worked out of the package. I plugged it into the NAS, and the NAS created the Public folder.
Q. Do I have to place my HTML files in the flash drives public fiolder ?
No. But the public folder is the only one that's accessable without a password. Also, the public folder is already configured for use out-of-the-box. By utilizing the public folder, you don't have to go into the NAS setup screen and change anything.
Q. This NAS device is too good to be true; are there any drawbacks?
Yes, the Addonics NAS 2.0 device is an FTP server, and not intended to be used as a web page server. That is why in the Mesh Setup screen, you type in ftp instead of http. It still works, though some browsers may not like a URL starting with "FTP" instead of "HTTP" . I know that IE and Firefox work just fine, but Chrome will display a blank page. There may be a simple setting in Chrome to tell it how to handle ftp; though I am not experienced with Chrome to know what exactly to do.
Q. are there devices like this that are true web file servers that are addressed http:// (not needing to be access by ftp://) ?
There are, but the price was a lot higher. My goal was for a pure electronic setup; with no running computer ... no spinning hard drive......... and inexpensive !!!
Q. I want to connect this NAS to my Bullet, but the Bullets POE only has one ethernet port... and I have something else already using this lone ethernet port.
Buy one of these $8 switches from Amazon; will instantly give you 4 additional ethernet ports:
email Tim