
DMR Repeaters

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 Hamvention and DMR Use

Hamvention 2023 is in the books, and what a wonderful event. Both of my DMR repeaters got quite a workout. Most everyone connecting via RF followed the TimeSlot plan (use TS 1 for all except grp 310557 and cluster 2).

These repeaters will be here for you in 2024 !



   the two DMR repeaters serving southwest Ohio:

Dayton (West) 45417 and Bellbrook (East) 45305

click on map for larger view
shows Hamvention location

Both repeaters are accessible from the Dayton/Xenia Ohio area; the "East" repeater is closest to the Hamvention site. If one is busy, try the other.

Use Timeslot 1 for all Brandmeister groups (and private calls) - except the ones listed below:

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DMR Repeaters