
DMR Repeaters

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   now two DMR repeaters serving southwest Ohio:

Dayton 45417 and Bellbrook 45305

click on map for larger view
shows Hamvention location


Both repeaters are available to all licensed amateurs. During times of emergency
the West repeater is also a District 3 asset and the East repeater is also a Greene County ARES asset.

For more info, see ohd3ares.org for Ohio District 3 ARES and gcares.net for Greene County ARES.


DMR Simplex freq, for use in the greater Dayton Ohio area:
145.510 Tx&Rx, Group 99, TS 1, CC1


Other area DMR repeaters with 310557 always active

Click HERE for a list of all Brandmeister Groups
there are over 1600. Once there, click on the box next to "Show" and select "all"


*** ***

  *** Daily net M-F 11:30am eastern, GRP: 310557 ***


Hear the Difference
click HERE for Dig-Anlg comparison

Repeaters: Hytera RD982


Listing of DMR Nets, click HERE


Buying your first DMR radio? Click HERE for info & codeplug downloads


click HERE for specific info on the above groups

click HERE for DMR Tools that can enhance your DMR usage

How-To section


APRS-GPS through Timz repeater? Yes, but ... read HERE

Click HERE to visit the ARES Ohio Section DMR Radio page, and more DMR nets HERE

click HERE to read info on basic DMR repeater operational procedures

click HERE for radio codeplugs already configured 

click HERE for indepth details about the groups

 Contact Repeater Administrators


DMR Repeater